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Facebook Silences the Official Music Player, Discography

Facebook’s music player and Discography apps, the last traces of the long-rumored but never-launched music dashboard, went silent as of yesterday.

Instead, the social network is steering its users toward music services it has partnered with so far: Spotify, Rdio, and Mog.
Facebook’s official music apps never launched, but would have allowed people to upload MP3 files, add track information, and share those files on their news feeds for Facebook users to stream.
Rather than declare the discontinuation of an official music dashboard, Facebook slipped a post into the site’s help center , saying:
What happened to the Music Player and Discography apps on my Facebook Page?
The Facebook Music Player app is being replaced with better ways to incorporate music on your page. Here are some alternatives you can use:
Sister blog Inside Facebook  pointed out that while Facebook does not offer a page tab app for permanent hosting of streamed music, the social network does allow third-party developers to do so, including RootMusic, ReverbNation, and Bandcamp.
Aside from driving users to the partners mentioned above, such as Spotify and Rdio, Inside Facebook added that Facebook may be attempting to avoid hosting pirated MP3 files.

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