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Facebook Comments Appear In Google Search Indices

Text from comments on Facebook pages now appears in Google‘s search indices.

As initially reported by Digital Inspiration , comments made via systems such as Disqus, Facebook Comments, and Intense Debate were not being picked up by Google, as search engines could not read text within iFrame coding.
ZDNet’s Friending Facebook  added that the same applied to commenting engines that ran on AJAX.
According to Digital Inspiration, Googlebots, which crawl webpages, are now treating text in Facebook comments like any other text, including it in indices and thus making it searchable.
The blog added that Google users can now use “commenter name * commenter title” in search queries to uncover all comments made by the subject via Facebook’s comments platform.
Friending Facebook pointed out that users who had shunned the Facebook comments box due to its lack of search-engine-optimization-friendliness may think twice.
And Econsultancy  added that the more Facebook expands outside of its walled garden, the more effort privacy-conscious users will have to put in to maintain the level of privacy they seek.
We wonder whether this change will motivate SEO marketers to add commenting  to their to-do lists — if that happens, we might expect to see more people putting website addresses in comments, hoping to pick up traffic that way.
Readers: What is your take on Facebook comments appearing in Google’s search indices?

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